Enjoy the remarkable marriage of art and technology in Dreams of Dali, a virtual reality experience from The Dali Museum (St. Petersburg, FL), as you explore Dali’s painting “Archaeological Reminiscence of Millet’s ‘Angelus’.”
From the product description
Mini Review
As a casual fan of Salvadore Dalí, I thought this looked pretty fun. I’ve seen a few of his paintings and have a sense of what he produced, but I definitely wouldn’t say I’m very familiar with him. During high school, I went through an M.C. Escher phase. I spent hours poring over art books containing his works and tried sketching some of my favorite ones. I never did that with Dalí, so I’m probably not the right audience for this. I can appreciate what they’ve done though.
You are surrounded by a landscape right out of his imagination. You can jump forward by activating small spheres near you. It’s not wide open, but there’s some free movement allowed. The graphics look good and it’s all a bit disorienting, which I’m sure is the intention. If you want to climb inside one of Dalí’s works, this is the way to do it!

It’s a surreal trip! If you are really into Dali and his unique perspective, you’ll probably love this. For me, it was just a bit too strange. I appreciated the variety of viewpoints and ambient sounds, although it was a pretty constrained experience. I can definitely say that I can feel the influence of Dalí throughout. Overall, I recommend it for Dalí fans. If you just think Melting Clocks is cool, probably stay away from this one.