One of the best immersive virtual experiences in VR is back from the dead! theBlu came on the scene back in 2016, released three “chapters” then went dark. The company, WeVR, didn’t actually go away, but they stopped developing this product. We’re very excited to see them return to the app with new content. These are amazing underwater visits and perfect for introducing people to virtual reality.
If you never bought the original app, just go to the store page, download the free base app, then you can choose the experiences/chapters you want (including Hammerhead Cove) for just $1.99 each.
If you already paid for the app at some point, you may be worried about double payment, but don’t worry, they’ve got you covered! When you download the new version, it recognizes the original purchase and automatically adds back the original content. You’ll only need to pay for the new Hammerhead Cove update for just $1.99. The only downside is having two entries for “theBlu” in your Steam library, although you can right-click the original and hide it without affecting anything else.
Note that only the Steam or Vive versions have the additional “episodes.” The Oculus and Microsoft store versions are still the original and likely won’t be seeing an update. Stay tuned if you bought it from one of those platforms…

In the latest edition of TheBlu (Yes! TheBlu is alive and well), we are introducing an all new encounter episode – the “Hammerhead Cove” experience. An opportunity to hang out in the serene sun-dappled warm waters of the Caribbean, communing peacefully with sharks – hammerhead sharks and a bunch of other species of sharks!
Allow yourself to be transformed as you float up close and personal with a family of these magnificent, powerful and yes, predatory, creatures – and experience first-hand that they are not the bad guys. And you can do that in the safe comfort of your home. You’ll need a PC for now, but soon you’ll be able to enjoy theBlu on stand-alone VR devices like the Quest.
from WeVR

Source: https://wevr.com/news/theblu-refresh